Health & Safety Updates
It is an SNC requirement that all who visit the facility must comply with health and safety protocols that are instituted by the SNC board of directors. The Suburban North Club follows the guidance of state and local governments regarding safety protocols in the wake of the Coronavirus.
There are currently no active protocols in place that involve members and guests who visit the facility. Masks are recommended but not required. Visitors are encouraged to make use of the non-alcoholic hand sanitizer we have available on site. Additionally, our staff continues to practice cleaning protocols that have been in place since the beginning of the pandemic.
Should the need arise for other safety protocols to be reinstated in the future, we will post those details here and in our social media.
Rules of the Club
1. Alcohol and Drugs are not permitted anywhere on the property.
2. All who are on club property will behave in accordance with common, appropriate social practices.
3. All are expected to conduct themselves in a friendly, polite manner. Profanity in public areas should be avoided.
4. NO disturbing meetings by excessive noise
5. Appropriate clothing, including shirts and shoes, must be worn at all times.
6. Smoking (including vaporizers, Dip, Chew, and Snuff) is not permitted inside the building or anywhere on the property with the exception of the designated smoking area, the covered patio on the east side of the building.
7. Firearms and other weapons are not permitted anywhere on the property.
8. Harassment or Bullying of any form will not be tolerated.
9. NO Verbal or Physical Confrontations.
10. Children on the property must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Accompanied children who are in the building, a meeting room, or the public area of the building, must remain quiet. We do not provide suitable play areas for children and our staff are not trained to provide childcare.
11. The warming kitchen is not for public use. Appliances can only be operated by our staff when they are needed for a specific event.
12. Pets (with the exception of certified service animals) are not permitted in the club facility at any time.
13. The club is designed for the use of people who are engaged in active recovery. Vagrancy, sleeping, and or loitering will not be tolerated.
14. Club hours include all outdoor gathering spaces in an effort to respect our neighbors.
15. No damage or misuse of SNC property.
16. Tampering with the building’s security controls systems will be cause for immediate and permanent removal from the facility.
17. Failure to comply with staff directions will be cause for immediate and/or permanent removal from the facility.
18. Bulletin boards require approval from staff for all postings. Bulletin boards in rooms are dedicated to SNC functions only. Flyers are not allowed anywhere else in the building or on the property.
19. No gambling games are permitted.
20. Please refrain from spreading gossip.
Persons who feel they have been threatened or witness to any of the above rule violations occurring on the property should notify a member of the board of directors for assistance. You can reach out to any board member directly or send an email to: officemanager@suburbannorthclub.org
Violation of these rules can result in banishment from the Club.
Revised and approved July 2019, May 2022, November 2023, March 2024.